Kimanis Site Visit
Site inspection (river) Site visit at Kimanis led by Ir Donald Ng accompany with Ms Celistah (Engineer), Ms Hii Ling Chee (Engineer), and Ms Noraida(Trainee)
Site inspection (river) Site visit at Kimanis led by Ir Donald Ng accompany with Ms Celistah (Engineer), Ms Hii Ling Chee (Engineer), and Ms Noraida(Trainee)
We are pleased to welcome Mr Sunildevin and Mr Tajudsan to Jurutera Perunding Sri Arif Sdn Bhd. Mr Sunildevin and Mr Tajudson will undergo their training for 3 months and 2 months respectively at this company as a trainee. We hope they will gain valuable knowledge during their training period.
We are pleased to welcome four new internship students from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). They will undergo their internship training with us for the next 4 months. We are looking forward to work with them closely during their stay with us.
Our office staffs took part in the typing test challenge to determine their level of typing skills . Staff members split into 4 teams and the result shows all teams achieved the world average typing accuracy and speed which is 92% and 40WPM respectively.